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Fatal Conclusions By: Shelby_Painter

Book Review

Wow! A new werewolf series that I enjoy enough that I’d happily reread! I give this one another great 3 on the writing decency scale. I am so incredibly pleased in this series as a whole. Thank goodness the last book did not let me down.


I’m going to start this by discussing the issues I had with the book. The biggest problem was the ending, it felt rushed and not thought out. I understand it was attempting to be melodramatic by having Daimon almost die at the end, and then making it seem like he DID die in the epilogue, but in reality it just felt childish. It was an unnecessary aspect in the book that lowered the decency(?) of it. I also hated how we didn’t get to see a few years down the line. I feel like that was needed, seeing as we spent 3 books reading about this struggle it would be nice to see how different life turns out to be for them. Let’s not forget Easton dying, because that SUCKED!


The town being destroyed was heartbreaking, but I felt it was needed. I liked how it wasn’t complete overwhelming perfection. They were the underdogs and they struggled to win and that made the story more believable.


She’s his beta! That’s why her eyes were glowing! Mind slightly blown -not at all but let’s pretend. Now she is alpha and she has to do both jobs. I loved that Toby became her beta, that was a super cool touch. I really wish we were able to see how they balanced both being alphas, parents, and living in Kettle’s Bell.


Other than that, I thought the ending was beautiful. The naming of the boy bay being Easton touched my heart! (I’m partial to that since it’s my nephews name). I’m just so happy they got their happy ending! A beautiful family of 5 living next to their family of bikers.


The author did a great job of making us dislike Pablo without going into too many details that it would make the book extremely trigger warning. I hated him with a passion, and the way things went down for Alyssa while she is there. The way she killed Pablo was utter genius and bad-a$$! Magnolia was a shock turning nice, but I am happy for her finally becoming free.


Alyssa is so sassy! Pregnancy is amazing on her, she constantly had me laughing with her quick comebacks and thoughts. She kicked some serious butt while captive and when she got free. Her reunion back with the pack had me feeling all sorts of squishy.


The entire relationship between Ronnie and ‘Baimon’ made my insides melt. It felt like a perfect connection for Alyssa and Dylan and Daimon to realize he would make a great dad.


As I felt with the first two books, I feel that this book could have been expanded. There could have been more details and added scenes. For examples: Alyssa getting to know her family more or Alyssa and Ronnie bonding more. Everything was extremely fast paced and it would have been nice to have slowed it down.


That is all I can think of as of now. I loved the book and series as a whole! I’d give it an 8 out of 10! This author did a great job and I’m excited to look into what else she has!

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